We are a group of people who works really hard for this project because we truly believe that Youth Exchanges are a huge opportunity, for you and for us: exchanges are one of the best things that you can ever experience. The greatest feature of the camp is the opportunity to compare yourselves and your culture with the others. Our team is composed by the Camp Director, the YEC (Youth Exchange Coordinator), the back office, the Camp Leader and the staff members....if you want to read more about ours check out our profile!


Camp Director: Ivo Benedetti

Linkedin: it.linkedin.com/pub/ivo-benedetti/34/b78/638

email: ivo.benedetti@gmail.com 


YEC: Laura Schiffo

Linkedin: it.linkedin.com/pub/laura-schiffo/53/322/b4a

email: lauraschiffo@gmail.com


Back Office: Marzia De Falco

email: marzia.defalco@gmail.com


Ex Camp Leader: Marta Benedetti

 Curriculum Vitae.pdf

email: mbenedetti89@gmail.com


Camp Leader: Irene Mirandola

Curriculum Vitae.pdf

Staff: Emma Gautieri
Staff: Taylor Goebel

Curriculum Vitae.pdf

Staff: Mignon Otterloo

Curriculum Vitae.pdf


Staff: Francesco Mori

Curriculum Vitae.pdf

Staff: Letizia Vanelli

Curriculm Vitae.pdf


Staff: Federica Tomasini



Staff: Lucia Ferlinghetti